
Parenting Do’s & Don’ts in a Digital Age

With modern technology, we are increasingly bringing more and more aspects of our lives online, which has resulted in concerns about our children’s privacy. While no parent wants to see their child exposed to online predators, cyberbullying, or inappropriate content, the debate over how to protect our children online continues to rage. Social media and other digital tools offer us opportunities to connect and stay in touch with friends and family, and they can also serve as powerful learning tools. To participate in today’s digital world, though, parents need to take a few important steps to provide a safe online experience for their children.

Parenting is not easy, but these days there is even more pressure on parents to raise kids in the digital age. Families today have everything from tablets to smartphones to computers, and these devices can raise some tricky questions about balancing screen time with in-person interaction.

When our children become teenagers, the boundaries between themselves and their parents are blurred. Friendships become more critical, and independence is the goal. But with this independence comes an increase in the amount of time our kids spend using the internet and an increased need to use the internet wisely. We must also set good examples in teaching our children to appropriate online behaviour.

When our children become teenagers, the boundaries between themselves and their parents are blurred. Friendships become more critical, and independence is the goal. But with this independence comes an increase in the amount of time our kids spend using the internet and an increased need to use the internet wisely. In teaching our children appropriate online behaviour, we must also set good examples.

Parenting in a digital age is no easy task. On one hand, you have the benefit of knowing more and more about how to maintain your sanity while also raising a happy and healthy child. On the other hand, technology is constantly evolving, with more and more devices and programs being developed for people of all ages. However, understanding where to draw the line regarding your digital parenting style is important.

The internet has radically changed the landscape of parenting. In this blog post, we will review some Digital Parenting Do’s and Don’ts to help parents make wise decisions for their kids. The internet is a powerful tool and can be used to teach kids important life lessons. However, the same power is available for not-so-good use. So, parents must be involved with their kids online and help them gain the skills for successful digital citizenship.

Learn these parenting do’s and don’ts from a digital age, which can be stressful, confusing, and downright scary.


Use technology to keep parents connected and up to date.


Disconnect from your child. Allow your child to spend too much time on technology or social media.

As parents, we have a lot on our minds at any given time. If you’re anything like me, you struggle with where to start with all of this. But one thing you should certainly consider is how much you’re helping or hurting your children’s digital habits. Today’s kids are growing up in a digital world. Digital devices have become an integral part of our daily lives and our children. Many of us can’t go too long without checking our phones, or our kids can’t go too long without asking us to play something on the device. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that kids are not mini-adults.

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